GM introduces a ground-breaking technology to track driving habits
Obtaining a driving licence for the first time is not an easy task for teenagers but once they successfully pass the driving tests and obtain the license, it then represent the freedom these youngsters have recently earned.
On other hand, for parents, driving licence represents fear and anxiety. Parents worry about their teenagers when they drive on their own. The traffic accident stats also put an emphasis on the state of fear in the minds of parents as high number of teenagers are involved in speeding, accidents and other serious breaches to traffic laws.
Parents worry about their teenagers when they drive on their own. The traffic accident stats also put an emphasis on the state of fear in the minds of parents as high number of teenagers are involved in speeding, accidents and other serious breaches to traffic laws.
As obtaining a driving licence for the teenagers is an irretrievable process and empowering the youth is also necessary, General Motors has developed a solution that will bring a relief to parents’ anxiety. With the help of this brilliant technology, parents will now be able to track and monitor the teen drivers.
GM has introduced this technology on the 2016 Chevrolet Malibu. This beautiful car has made its first public appearance at the 2015 New York Auto Show. It contains a new feature that tracks the driving semantics. With the help and assistance of this brilliant technology, the teen drivers can overcome their bad habits if they want to.
The new monitoring system will be accessible through a password in the car’s infotainment system. This will record several stats about the car and driver, such as, how far the car has been driven in any single lap, how fast they have gone, how many times they violated the traffic signals or speed limits, and most importantly, how many times they have pressed the brakes real hard.
Mary Ann Beebe is the engineering leader at GM and lead developer of this technology as well. Mary Ann said that the monitoring system is an in-car report card for the parents and it will give the required information. It can be used as a teaching tool as well, parents can sit and talk with their teens about their driving habits, weak areas and strong points etc. etc.